The LGBTQ+ community in Texas has endured a lot at the hands of state and local leaders. While we’ve seen an extraordinary amount of anti-LGBTQ+ bills filed already, we are confident that few will move forward. During the last legislative session and special sessions 76 anti-LGBTQ+ bills were filed, only 20 moved, and only one passed. We are confident that working together, we can stop these bad bills from further harming our community.
The life cycle of a bill: a bill is filed → referred to House/Senate committee → House/Senate hearing scheduled → pending in House/Senate committee → first House/Senate floor vote → second House/Senate floor vote → House/Senate passage → signed by the Governor. Bills have to go through both the House and the Senate to be enacted and if it is in the opposite chamber it originated in, it’s moved further along in the process. For example, if the bill originated in the House (ex HB 1), a status of “referred to Senate committee” is further along in the process than “House passage.” If you would like to learn more about the bill process, keep an eye out for our next Lege 101 training on our events page.
Some bills may be listed in multiple categories.
Good Bills | Bad Bills |
145 | 141 |
Healthcare | Education | Policing Business | Identity Documents | Prosecutorial Discretion | Religious Refusal | Preemption
These bills attempt to enact healthcare bans that limit access to life-saving healthcare for transgender youth in opposition to best-practice medical standards of care.
Bill Number | Author | Description | Status |
HB 41 | Toth | Prohibits physicians from providing best practice, life-saving care for transgender youth. Also bans insurance companies for covering such treatment. | 02/23/2023 H Referred to Public Health |
HB 122 | Toth | Prohibits physicians from providing best practice, life-saving care for transgender youth. Also bans insurance companies for covering such treatment. Criminal offense if action towards gender affirming care is taken. | 02/23/2023 H Referred to Public Health |
SB 250 | Hall | Campbell | Perry | Parker | Prohibits physicians from providing best practice, life-saving care for transgender youth. Also bans insurance companies from covering such treatment. Will result in loss of license. | 04/12/2023 S Committee report printed and distributed |
HB 776 | Harrison | Prohibits physicians from providing best practice, life-saving care for transgender youth. | 02/28/2023 H Referred to Public Health |
HB 4624 | Leach | Prohibits physicians from providing best practice, life-saving care for transgender youth. | 03/22/2023 H Referred to Public Health |
HB 4754 | Tinderholt | Prohibits physicians from providing best practice, life-saving care for transgender youth and adults up to the age of 26. | 03/22/2023 H Referred to Public Health |
HB 1686 | Oliverson | Allison | Anderson | Ashby | Bell, Cecil | Bell, Keith | Bonnen | Buckley | Bumgarner | Burns | Cain | Capriglione | Clardy | Cook | Cunningham | Dean | DeAyala | Dorazio | Frank | Frazier | Gates | Gerdes | Geren | Goldman | Guillen | Harless | Harris, Caroline | Harris, Cody | Harrison | Hayes | Hefner | Holland | Hull | Isaac | Jetton | Kacal | King, Ken | Kitzman | Kuempel | Lambert | Landgraf | Leach | Leo-Wilson | Lopez, Janie | Lozano | Lujan | Morrison | Murr | Noble | Orr | Patterson | Paul | Raney | Rogers | Schaefer | Schatzline | Shaheen | Shine | Slaton | Slawson | Smith | Smithee | Spiller | Stucky | Swanson | Tepper | Thimesch | Thompson, Ed | Tinderholt | Troxclair | VanDeaver | Vasut | Wilson | Prohibits physicians from providing best practice, life-saving care for transgender youth. Also bans insurance companies for covering such treatment. Ban on public funds that go towards gender-affirming care. | 04/14/2023 H Reported favorably as substituted |
SB 14 | Campbell | Bettencourt | Hall | Hughes | Kolkhorst | Middleton | Parker | Paxton | Perry | Springer | Prohibits physicians from providing best practice, life-saving care for transgender youth. Also bans insurance companies for covering such treatment. Ban on public funds that go towards gender-affirming care. | 06/02/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23 |
SB 625 | Campbell | Kolkhorst | Parker | Prohibits physicians from providing best practice, life-saving care for transgender youth. Also bans insurance companies for covering such treatment. Ban on public funds that go towards gender-affirming care for LGBTQ+ youth. | 02/17/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
HB 42 | Slaton | Adds best practice, life-saving care for trans youth to child abuse statutes. | 02/23/2023 H Referred to Public Health |
HB 436 | Patterson | Adds best practice, life-saving care for trans youth to child abuse statutes. | 02/23/2023 H Referred to Public Health |
HB 672 | Hefner | Adds best practice, life-saving care for trans youth to child abuse statutes. | 02/23/2023 H Referred to Public Health |
HB 1532 | Schatzline | Adds best practice, life-saving care for trans youth to child abuse statutes. Prohibits physicians from providing best practice, life-saving care for trangender youth (license removal). Also bans insurance companies from covering such treatment. Ensures loss of license. | 03/03/2023 H Referred to Public Health |
SB 249 | Hall | Campbell | Perry | Parker | Provides an exception to the genital mutilation code for surgeries on intersex minors. These procedures are often performed on infants who cannot consent. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
HB 1752 | Toth | Provides for civil lawsuits against those providing, aiding, and/or abetting gender-affirming care for LGBTQ+ youth. Affects out-of-state cases. | 03/07/2023 H Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence |
HB 888 | Slawson | Anderson | Dorazio | Isaac | Leo-Wilson | Metcalf | Rogers | Spiller | Carves out a separate statute of limitations for healthcare malpractice claims related to gender-affirming care (any time before a person’s 25th birthday). | 05/11/2023 H Placed on General State Calendar |
SB 1198 | Hall | Carves out a separate statute of limitations for healthcare malpractice claims related to gender-affirming care (any time before a person’s 20th birthday). | 03/09/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
HB 1029 | Harrison | Prohibits state funding for best-practice health care for transgender Texans of any age. | 03/02/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
SB 1029 | Hall | Parker | Perry | Prohibits state funding and health insurance coverage for transgender Texans of any age. | 05/06/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 319 | Oliverson | Allows for any provider to deny participation in a healthcare service due to their “conscience” defined as a sincerely held set of moral convictions. There are exceptions provided for emergency or life-saving care. | 02/23/2023 H Referred to Public Health |
HB 3082 | Hayes | Allows for any pharmacy, pharmacist, or pharm tech to deny dispensing of medication according to religious belief or moral conviction. | 03/14/2023 H Referred to Public Health |
SCR 3 | Hall | Campbell | A resolution condemning major U.S. medical associations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, and the Children’s Hospital Association for their support of gender affirming care. Also calls for the State of Texas to express support for ending this best-practice, life-saving care. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
HB 2116 | Bumgarner | Requires psychological examinations by a Texas-licensed psychologist before receiving any form of gender-affirming care, creating an additional barriers to care. Affects all ages. | 03/09/2023 H Referred to Public Health |
HB 1149 | Swanson | Adds additional barriers for K-12 students seeking mental health/well-being support from school staff. | 05/02/2023 H Committee report sent to Calendars |
SB 400 | Hall | Adds additional barriers for K-12 students seeking mental health/well-being support from school staff. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to Education |
SB 595 | Kolkhorst | Adds additional barriers for K-12 students seeking mental health/well-being support from school staff. | 05/23/2023 H Placed on General State Calendar |
HB 3850 | Slaton | Ensures that abortion bans target transgender, nonbinary, and gender-expansive indivudals. | 03/20/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 3502 | Leach | 05/10/2023 H Placed on General State Calendar | |
SB 1690 | Hughes | This bill would strip court-ordered custody rights of parents who go out-of-state to get healthcare services for their child if they have court-ordered custody rights over the child. | 03/16/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
SB 1031 | Hall | This bill functions as a virtual ban on surveys and studies related to the LGBTQ+ youth population, with threats of a state jail felony charge for violators. | 05/06/2023 H Referred to Youth Health & Safety, Select |
SB 394 | Hall | Requires schools to disclose student records, with serious outing implications, and adds additional barriers for students seeking mental health/well-being support from school staff. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to Education |
SB 763 | Middleton | Hughes | This bill would allow for the replacement of school counselors with religious chaplains. These chaplains would be exempt from state certification requirements to be a school counselor. | 06/18/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23 |
HB 3614 | Hefner | This bill would allow for the replacement of school counselors with religious chaplains. These chaplains would be exempt from state certification requirements to be a school counselor. | 05/08/2023 H Laid on the table subject to call |
HB 631 | Toth | This bill bans classroom instruction about sexual orientation or gender identity in Texas from K-5th grade and in any grade if deemed "not appropriate in accordance with state standards." The bill requires schools to implement policies related to the disclosure of student information that could easily lead to students being "outed." Additionally, the bill provides a cause for civil lawsuits against schools. | 02/23/2023 Referred to H Public Education |
HB 1155 | Patterson | Hefner | Harris, Cody | Bumgarner | Cain | Cook | Dorazio | Gates | Gerdes | Harris, Caroline | Hull | Isaac | Kitzman | Leach | Leo-Wilson | Lopez, Janie | Lozano | Lujan | Murr | Noble | Oliverson | Schaefer | Schatzline | Shaheen | Slawson | Smith | Spiller | Swanson | Tepper | Toth | Troxclair | Vasut | This bill bans classroom instruction about sexual orientation or gender identity in Texas from K-8th grade and in any grade if deemed "not appropriate." The bill requires schools to only provide staff with student support training that adheres to state standards and implement policies related to the disclosure of student information that could easily lead to students being "outed." | 03/02/2023 Referred to H Public Education |
SB 393 | Hall | This bill bans classroom instruction about sexual orientation or gender identity in Texas. The bill requires schools to implement policies related to the disclosure of student information that will lead to students being "outed," including harmful language that targets trans and nonbinary students. Additionally, the bill requires students attempting to join a GSA or similar club to jump through additional hoops, including the risk of being "outed." Finally, the bill provides a cause for civil lawsuits against schools and educators. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to Education |
HB 1541 | Toth | This bill bans classroom instruction about sexual orientation or gender identity in Texas from K-8th grade and in any grade if deemed "not appropriate." The bill requires schools to only provide staff with student support training that adheres to state standards and implement policies related to the disclosure of student information that could easily lead to students being "outed." Additionally, the bill prevents contract renewal for school staff who violate these student information policies. Finally, the bill provides a cause for civil lawsuits against schools and educators. | 03/03/2023 H Referred to Public Education |
HB 5261 | Frank | This bill incorporates core "Don't Say Gay" policies (see HB 631/1155/1541 & SB 393 for more info) with a total K-12 ban on instruction, guidance, activities, and programming regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. This bill also incorporates onerous review policies regarding books and instructional materials. Finally, this bill establishes taxpayer-funded bank accounts for parents who remove students from the public education system. | 03/24/2023 H Referred to Public Education |
SB 8 | Creighton | Bettencourt | Campbell | King | Middleton | Parker | Paxton | Schwertner | Springer | This bill incorporates core "Don't Say Gay" policies (see HB 631/1155/1541 & SB 393 for more info) with a total K-12 ban on instruction, guidance, activities, and programming regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. This bill also incorporates onerous review policies regarding books and instructional materials. Finally, this bill establishes taxpayer-funded bank accounts for parents who remove students from the public education system. | 05/15/2023 H Left pending in committee |
HB 4055 | Troxclair | This bill forces school districts to adopt information disclosure policies that could potentially out LGBTQ+ students. | 03/20/2023 H Referred to Public Education |
SB 2559 | Middleton | This bill forces school districts to adopt information disclosure policies that could potentially out LGBTQ+ students. | 03/23/2023 S Referred to Education |
HB 4961 | Patterson | This bill establishes a false "right" to know a student's gender identity. The bill directs schools to report to parents within 24 hours if a student is exhibiting or expressing interest in changing their appearance, expression, or behavior for the purpose of exploring their gender identity. | 03/23/2023 H Referred to Public Education |
SB 1072 | Hughes | This bill shuts down extracurriculars and discussion of sexual orientation/gender identity not related to class in schools. This affects all school employees; counselors, teachers, and everyone in-between. School boards must adopt their own policies if they want to allow any discussion or extracurriculars. May also be labeled as a modified "Don't Say Gay" bill. May be more likely to move. | 05/06/2023 H Referred to Public Education |
HJR 38 | Vasut | Proposes a state constitutional amendment enshrining the parental “right to direct the upbringing of their child,” including the right to “direct the care, custody, control, education, moral and religious training, and medical care of the child,” with serious implications for LGBTQ+ youth. | 02/28/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HJR 58 | Frank | Proposes a state constitutional amendment enshrining the parental “right to direct the upbringing of their child,” including the right to “direct the care, custody, control, education, moral and religious training, and medical care of the child,” with serious implications for LGBTQ+ youth. | 02/28/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HJR 85 | Burrows | Proposes a state constitutional amendment enshrining the parental “right to direct the upbringing of their child,” including the right to “direct the care, custody, control, education, moral and religious training, and medical care of the child,” with serious implications for LGBTQ+ youth. | 03/03/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
SJR 29 | Paxton | Proposes a state constitutional amendment enshrining the parental “right to direct the upbringing of their child,” including the right to “direct the care, custody, control, education, moral and religious training, and medical care of the child,” with serious implications for LGBTQ+ youth. | 04/28/2023 H Referred to Public Education |
HB 4534 | Schatzline | Prohibits school district employees from affirming a trans/nonbinary student's gender, threatening a school district's annual funding for violations of the bill. | 03/22/2023 H Referred to Public Education |
These bills attempt to further stigmatize the LGBTQ+ community in the classroom by devaluing the humanity and existence of transgender Texans, including bills that place highly invasive gender “tests” to participate in everyday tasks whether by having to “prove” one’s gender to go to the restroom, be on a sports team, or participate in other parts of day to day life, and censor educators and students by turning identity into a banned topic (“Don’t Say Gay/Trans”).
Bill Number | Author | Description | Status |
HB 1149 | Swanson | Adds additional barriers for K-12 students seeking mental health/well-being support from school staff. | 05/02/2023 H Committee report sent to Calendars |
SB 400 | Hall | Adds additional barriers for K-12 students seeking mental health/well-being support from school staff. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to Education |
SB 595 | Kolkhorst | Adds additional barriers for K-12 students seeking mental health/well-being support from school staff. | 05/23/2023 H Placed on General State Calendar |
SB 1031 | Hall | This bill functions as a virtual ban on surveys and studies related to the LGBTQ+ youth population, with threats of a state jail felony charge for violators. | 05/06/2023 H Referred to Youth Health & Safety, Select |
SB 394 | Hall | Requires schools to disclose student records, with serious outing implications, and adds additional barriers for students seeking mental health/well-being support from school staff. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to Education |
SB 763 | Middleton | Hughes | This bill would allow for the replacement of school counselors with religious chaplains. These chaplains would be exempt from state certification requirements to be a school counselor. | 06/18/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23 |
HB 3614 | Hefner | This bill would allow for the replacement of school counselors with religious chaplains. These chaplains would be exempt from state certification requirements to be a school counselor. | 05/08/2023 H Laid on the table subject to call |
HB 631 | Toth | This bill bans classroom instruction about sexual orientation or gender identity in Texas from K-5th grade and in any grade if deemed "not appropriate in accordance with state standards." The bill requires schools to implement policies related to the disclosure of student information that could easily lead to students being "outed." Additionally, the bill provides a cause for civil lawsuits against schools. | 02/23/2023 Referred to H Public Education |
HB 1155 | Patterson | Hefner | Harris, Cody | Bumgarner | Cain | Cook | Dorazio | Gates | Gerdes | Harris, Caroline | Hull | Isaac | Kitzman | Leach | Leo-Wilson | Lopez, Janie | Lozano | Lujan | Murr | Noble | Oliverson | Schaefer | Schatzline | Shaheen | Slawson | Smith | Spiller | Swanson | Tepper | Toth | Troxclair | Vasut | This bill bans classroom instruction about sexual orientation or gender identity in Texas from K-8th grade and in any grade if deemed "not appropriate." The bill requires schools to only provide staff with student support training that adheres to state standards and implement policies related to the disclosure of student information that could easily lead to students being "outed." | 03/02/2023 Referred to H Public Education |
SB 393 | Hall | This bill bans classroom instruction about sexual orientation or gender identity in Texas. The bill requires schools to implement policies related to the disclosure of student information that will lead to students being "outed," including harmful language that targets trans and nonbinary students. Additionally, the bill requires students attempting to join a GSA or similar club to jump through additional hoops, including the risk of being "outed." Finally, the bill provides a cause for civil lawsuits against schools and educators. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to Education |
HB 1541 | Toth | This bill bans classroom instruction about sexual orientation or gender identity in Texas from K-8th grade and in any grade if deemed "not appropriate." The bill requires schools to only provide staff with student support training that adheres to state standards and implement policies related to the disclosure of student information that could easily lead to students being "outed." Additionally, the bill prevents contract renewal for school staff who violate these student information policies. Finally, the bill provides a cause for civil lawsuits against schools and educators. | 03/03/2023 H Referred to Public Education |
HB 5261 | Frank | This bill incorporates core "Don't Say Gay" policies (see HB 631/1155/1541 & SB 393 for more info) with a total K-12 ban on instruction, guidance, activities, and programming regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. This bill also incorporates onerous review policies regarding books and instructional materials. Finally, this bill establishes taxpayer-funded bank accounts for parents who remove students from the public education system. | 03/24/2023 H Referred to Public Education |
SB 8 | Creighton | Bettencourt | Campbell | King | Middleton | Parker | Paxton | Schwertner | Springer | This bill incorporates core "Don't Say Gay" policies (see HB 631/1155/1541 & SB 393 for more info) with a total K-12 ban on instruction, guidance, activities, and programming regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. This bill also incorporates onerous review policies regarding books and instructional materials. Finally, this bill establishes taxpayer-funded bank accounts for parents who remove students from the public education system. | 05/15/2023 H Left pending in committee |
HB 4055 | Troxclair | This bill forces school districts to adopt information disclosure policies that could potentially out LGBTQ+ students. | 03/20/2023 H Referred to Public Education |
SB 2559 | Middleton | This bill forces school districts to adopt information disclosure policies that could potentially out LGBTQ+ students. | 03/23/2023 S Referred to Education |
HB 4961 | Patterson | This bill establishes a false "right" to know a student's gender identity. The bill directs schools to report to parents within 24 hours if a student is exhibiting or expressing interest in changing their appearance, expression, or behavior for the purpose of exploring their gender identity. | 03/23/2023 H Referred to Public Education |
SB 1072 | Hughes | This bill shuts down extracurriculars and discussion of sexual orientation/gender identity not related to class in schools. This affects all school employees; counselors, teachers, and everyone in-between. School boards must adopt their own policies if they want to allow any discussion or extracurriculars. May also be labeled as a modified "Don't Say Gay" bill. May be more likely to move. | 05/06/2023 H Referred to Public Education |
HB 1507 | King, Ken | This bill prohibits schools from organizing or hosting programs "dedicated to celebrating or providing special instruction regarding a sexual preference." If implemented, it would effectively ban any Pride activities/celebration and punish violators with hefty fines and license removal. | 03/28/2023 H Left pending in committee |
HB 2659 | Leo-Wilson | This bill would allow for school personnel to refuse training on or implementation of LGBTQ+ inclusion policies based on religious belief. | 03/14/2023 H Referred to Public Education |
HB 111 | Toth | Swanson | Right now, age-appropriate descriptions of sex and nudity are allowed for educational, scientific, psychological, or psychiatric reasons. This bill undermines and micromanages educators’ use of age-appropriate references to sex, sexuality, or nudity. | 02/23/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 151 | Slaton | Right now, age-appropriate descriptions of sex and nudity are allowed for educational, scientific, psychological, or psychiatric reasons. This bill undermines and micromanages educators’ use of age-appropriate references to sex, sexuality, or nudity. | 02/23/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 976 | Patterson | Right now, age-appropriate descriptions of sex and nudity are allowed for educational, scientific, psychological, or psychiatric reasons. This bill undermines and micromanages educators’ use of age-appropriate references to sex, sexuality, or nudity. | 03/02/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
SB 437 | Middleton | Right now, age-appropriate descriptions of sex and nudity are allowed for educational, scientific, psychological, or psychiatric reasons. This bill undermines and micromanages educators’ use of age-appropriate references to sex, sexuality, or nudity. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to Criminal Justice |
HB 2602 | Capriglione | Right now, age-appropriate descriptions of sex and nudity are allowed for educational, scientific, psychological, or psychiatric reasons. This bill undermines and micromanages educators’ use of age-appropriate references to sex, sexuality, or nudity. | 03/13/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
SB 1007 | Flores | Right now, age-appropriate descriptions of sex and nudity are allowed for educational, scientific, psychological, or psychiatric reasons. This bill undermines and micromanages educators’ use of age-appropriate references to sex, sexuality, or nudity. | 03/03/2023 S Referred to Criminal Justice |
HB 552 | Troxclair | Right now, age-appropriate descriptions of sex and nudity are allowed for educational, scientific, psychological, or psychiatric reasons. This bill undermines and micromanages educators’ use of age-appropriate references to sex, sexuality, or nudity. | 02/23/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 571 | Leo-Wilson | Right now, age-appropriate descriptions of sex and nudity are allowed for educational, scientific, psychological, or psychiatric reasons. This bill undermines and micromanages educators’ use of age-appropriate references to sex, sexuality, or nudity. | 02/23/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 858 | Slaton | Right now, age-appropriate descriptions of sex and nudity are allowed for educational, scientific, psychological, or psychiatric reasons. This bill undermines and micromanages educators’ use of age-appropriate references to sex, sexuality, or nudity. | 03/01/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 869 | Hefner | Right now, age-appropriate descriptions of sex and nudity are allowed for educational, scientific, psychological, or psychiatric reasons. This bill undermines and micromanages educators’ use of age-appropriate references to sex, sexuality, or nudity. | 03/01/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
SB 395 | Hall | Right now, age-appropriate descriptions of sex and nudity are allowed for educational, scientific, psychological, or psychiatric reasons. This bill undermines and micromanages educators’ use of age-appropriate references to sex, sexuality, or nudity. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to Criminal Justice |
HB 3847 | Toth | Right now, age-appropriate descriptions of sex and nudity are allowed for educational, scientific, psychological, or psychiatric reasons. This bill undermines and micromanages educators’ use of age-appropriate references to sex, sexuality, or nudity. | 03/20/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 1408 | Schaefer | Leo-Wilson | Right now, age-appropriate descriptions of sex and nudity are allowed for educational, scientific, psychological, or psychiatric reasons. This bill undermines and micromanages educators’ use of age-appropriate references to sex, sexuality, or nudity. | 03/03/2023 H Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence |
SB 13 | Paxton | Bettencourt | Creighton | Hughes | Middleton | Parker | Schwertner | Sparks | Springer | Hall | King | Right now, age-appropriate descriptions of sex and nudity are allowed for educational, scientific, psychological, or psychiatric reasons. This bill undermines and micromanages educators’ use of age-appropriate references to sex, sexuality, or nudity. This bill also imposes onerous review policies upon school libraries that may have the effect of removing more books from schools. | 04/24/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 5251 | Toth | Right now, age-appropriate descriptions of sex and nudity are allowed for educational, scientific, psychological, or psychiatric reasons. This bill undermines and micromanages educators’ use of age-appropriate references to sex, sexuality, or nudity. This bill also imposes onerous review policies upon school libraries that may have the effect of removing more books from schools. | 03/24/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 1655 | Patterson | This bill seeks to restrict access to books in school libraries by prohibiting acquisition, limiting access, and defining "obscenity" in an overly broad manner. It will also put the burden of determining what books constitute as "sexually explicit" and "sexually relevant" on the shoulders of publishers, allowing for the possibility of books being deemed "obscene" without due consideration of their educational value. This bill also attempts to override First Amendment protections by compelling schools to adopt the view that "obscenity is unprotected" by the First Amendment. | 03/07/2023 H Referred to Public Education |
HB 900 | Patterson | Buckley | Burrows | Shaheen | Allison | Cunningham | Hefner | Holland | Leo-Wilson | Slawson | Spiller | This bill seeks to restrict access to books in school libraries by prohibiting acquisition, limiting access, and defining "obscenity" in an overly broad manner. It will also put the burden of determining what books constitute as "sexually explicit" and "sexually relevant" on the shoulders of publishers, allowing for the possibility of books being deemed "obscene" without due consideration of their educational value. This bill also attempts to override First Amendment protections by compelling schools to adopt the view that "obscenity is unprotected" by the First Amendment. | 06/13/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23 |
HB 1404 | Shaheen | This bill would require school districts to report any books they deem as "obscene" to the TEA, who would then mark down the vendor and ban all schools in the entire state from purchasing any books from that vendor. | 03/03/2023 H Referred to Public Education |
HB 338 | Oliverson | Harless | Holland | Bell, Keith | Spiller | Requires publishers who provide books to schools to assign and label all their books with a “content rating,” like movies or video games. Schools are prohibited from using certain books based on grade level. | 02/23/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 4387 | Leo-Wilson | Requires publishers who provide books to schools to assign and label all their books with a “content rating,” like movies or video games. Schools are prohibited from using certain books based on grade level. | 03/21/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
SB 1443 | Hall | Bans all books, performances, and websites that refer to LGBTQ+ topics or identity in schools. | 03/16/2023 S Referred to Education |
SB 1731 | Hughes | This bill would ban human sexuality instruction that touches on topics, matters, or subjects not currently explicitly covered in state standards. | 03/16/2023 S Referred to Education |
HB 360 | Toth | Requires that all activities and teaching materials used in schools must be documented, approved, and reported publicly on a monthly basis. The bill allows for parents to request a school review of activities/teaching materials to determine if they were properly reported and if the activity/teaching material in question is a) appropriate and b) aligned with state educational standards. | 02/23/2023 H Referred to Public Education |
SB 654 | Hall | Requires that all teaching materials used in schools must be documented and reported publicly at least one week before using the materials and for a minimum of 10 years. | 02/17/2023 S Referred to Education |
HB 1804 | Leo-Wilson | Hefner | Buckley | Slawson | Oliverson | Allison | Anderson | Bell, Cecil | Bonnen | Bumgarner | Burns | Cain | Cook | Cunningham | Dorazio | Frank | Frazier | Gerdes | Harris, Caroline | Harris, Cody | Hayes | Isaac | Jetton | Kitzman | Klick | Lambert | Leach | Lopez, Janie | Lozano | Lujan | Noble | Orr | Patterson | Paul | Raney | Rogers | Schaefer | Schatzline | Shaheen | Stucky | Swanson | Tepper | Thimesch | Thompson, Ed | Toth | Troxclair | Vasut | Wilson | This bill forces public schools to use instructional materials in social studies that are "balanced and unbiased" and present "contrasting points of view," regardless of the validity of claims. The bills also requires instructional materials on scientific theories to present "strengths and weaknesses" without regard to scientific consensus. Furthermore, the prohibits the use of materials that "condone social strife," or contain offensive language/images, or "encourage lifestyles that deviate from generally accepted standards of society," or any concept targeted in existing curriculum bans. | 04/20/2023 H Left pending in committee |
SB 2089 | Creighton | This bill forces public schools to use instructional materials in social studies that are "balanced and unbiased" and present "contrasting points of view," regardless of the validity of claims. The bills also requires instructional materials on scientific theories to present "strengths and weaknesses" without regard to scientific consensus. Furthermore, the prohibits the use of materials that "condone social strife," or contain offensive language/images, or "encourage lifestyles that deviate from generally accepted standards of society," or any concept targeted in existing curriculum bans. | Hearing scheduled for 03/29/2023 | 9:00AM | E1.028 | S Education |
HB 3559 | Harrison | This bill would prevent schools from working with nonprofits that advocate at the Capitol. | 03/16/2023 H Referred to Public Education |
SB 165 | Campbell | Requires annual curriculum audits based on standards set by the TEA commissioner and the statewide reporting of all schools not in compliance. Parents are required to provide consent for all non-textbook instruction involving violence, nudity, profanity, illegal substance use, or sexual content; as well as activities attempting to “investigate how a person’s behavior influences the behavior of a group or the internal states of members of a group, such as attitude or self-concept.” | 04/27/2023 S Left pending in committee |
HJR 38 | Vasut | Proposes a state constitutional amendment enshrining the parental “right to direct the upbringing of their child,” including the right to “direct the care, custody, control, education, moral and religious training, and medical care of the child,” with serious implications for LGBTQ+ youth. | 02/28/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HJR 58 | Frank | Proposes a state constitutional amendment enshrining the parental “right to direct the upbringing of their child,” including the right to “direct the care, custody, control, education, moral and religious training, and medical care of the child,” with serious implications for LGBTQ+ youth. | 02/28/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HJR 85 | Burrows | Proposes a state constitutional amendment enshrining the parental “right to direct the upbringing of their child,” including the right to “direct the care, custody, control, education, moral and religious training, and medical care of the child,” with serious implications for LGBTQ+ youth. | 03/03/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
SJR 29 | Paxton | Proposes a state constitutional amendment enshrining the parental “right to direct the upbringing of their child,” including the right to “direct the care, custody, control, education, moral and religious training, and medical care of the child,” with serious implications for LGBTQ+ youth. | 04/28/2023 H Referred to Public Education |
SB 421 | Paxton | This bill punishes schools that protect student information by threatening a district's "District of Innovation" title. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to Education |
HB 1607 | Harris, Cody | Leo-Wilson | Applies censorship of curriculum recently passed in public schools to higher education institutions, infringing on academic freedom and critical thinking. | 03/07/2023 H Referred to Higher Education |
HB 1006 | Tepper | Forces all universities to be socially, politically, and culturally “neutral,” forces universities to commit to “viewpoint diversity” while banning the existence of any office of diversity, equity, and inclusion or any other office “funding, supporting, promoting, or sponsoring any initiative or formulation of diversity, equity, and inclusion.” | 03/02/2023 H Referred to Higher Education |
SB 17 | Creighton | Campbell | King | Kolkhorst | Middleton | Parker | Paxton | Schwertner | Springer | Forces all universities to be socially, politically, and culturally "neutral," bans all DEI offices and programs, virtual ban on diversity statements and affirmative action. | 06/17/2023 E Effective on 1/1/24 |
HB 5127 | Shaheen | Forces all universities to be socially, politically, and culturally "neutral," bans all DEI offices and programs, virtual ban on diversity statements and affirmative action. | 03/24/2023 H Referred to Higher Education |
HB 3164 | Tepper | Noble | Jetton | Patterson | Capriglione | Bumgarner | Cain | Cook | Dorazio | Frank | Gates | Gerdes | Harris, Cody | Harrison | Hefner | Hull | Isaac | Kitzman | Lujan | Orr | Slawson | Smith | Swanson | Thimesch | Toth | VanDeaver | Vasut | Wilson | Shut down of all diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) offices, programs, and contracts on college campuses; includes language with negative implications for affirmative action. | |
HB 3682 | Tepper | Bans affirmative action. | 03/16/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 5140 | Cain | Bans affirmative action. | 03/24/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 5001 | Toth | Bans requirements for training on diversity on college campuses. | 03/23/2023 H Referred to Higher Education |
SB 2313 | Hughes | Bans requirements for training on diversity on college campuses. | 03/22/2023 S Referred to s/c on Higher Education by Pres |
HB 5126 | Shaheen | This bill undermines and micromanages universities' time and resources by mandating publicly searchable databases of all university syllabi, training materials, and recordings of all trainings provided at the university. The bill specifically targets trainings that deal with race, gender, sexual identity, campus climate, and interpersonal relations, among other topics. | 03/24/2023 H Referred to Higher Education |
SB 2519 | Creighton | This bill undermines and micromanages universities' time and resources by mandating publicly searchable databases of all university syllabi, training materials, and recordings of all trainings provided at the university. The bill specifically targets trainings that deal with race, gender, sexual identity, campus climate, and interpersonal relations, among other topics. | 03/23/2023 S Referred to s/c on Higher Education by Pres |
HB 1046 | Tepper | Prohibits higher ed institutions from using diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) statements in hiring, promotion, and the admissions process. | 03/02/2023 H Referred to Higher Education |
HB 1033 | Tepper | Prohibits state agencies and contractors, including higher education institutions, from considering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in hiring, promotion, and the college admissions process. This also includes any requirements for employees/students regarding DEI trainings. | 03/02/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 2722 | Schaefer | Requires schools to designate and disclose which bathrooms and changing rooms are trans-inclusive. | 03/13/2023 H Referred to Public Education |
HB 5256 | Toth | Requires schools to designate and disclose which bathrooms and changing rooms are trans-inclusive. | 03/24/2023 H Referred to Public Education |
HB 5235 | Toth | School bathroom bill enforcing separation based on "biological sex." Authorizes a civil penalty of $100,000 against the school for lawsuits related to violations of the bill. | 03/24/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 5236 | Toth | School bathroom bill enforcing separation based on "biological sex." | 03/24/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 4534 | Schatzline | Prohibits school district employees from affirming a trans/nonbinary student's gender, threatening a school district's annual funding for violations of the bill. | 03/22/2023 H Referred to Public Education |
HB 23 | Swanson | Allison | Anderson | Ashby | Bailes | Bell, Cecil | Bell, Keith | Bonnen | Buckley | Bumgarner | Burns | Cain | Capriglione | Clardy | Cook | Craddick | Cunningham | Darby | Dean | DeAyala | Dorazio | Frank | Frazier | Gates | Gerdes | Goldman | Guillen | Harless | Harris, Caroline | Harris, Cody | Harrison | Hayes | Hefner | Holland | Hull | Isaac | Jetton | Kacal | King, Ken | Kitzman | Klick | Kuempel | Landgraf | Leach | Leo-Wilson | Lopez, Janie | Lozano | Lujan | Metcalf | Morrison | Murr | Noble | Oliverson | Orr | Patterson | Paul | Price | Raney | Rogers | Schaefer | Schatzline | Shaheen | Shine | Slaton | Slawson | Smith | Smithee | Spiller | Stucky | Tepper | Thimesch | Thompson, Ed | Tinderholt | Toth | Troxclair | VanDeaver | Vasut | Wilson | Extends the anti-transgender sports ban to collegiate levels and expands the ban itself to include banning trans youth from sports participation (in addition to competition). | 02/23/2023 Referred to H State Affairs |
SB 649 | Middleton | Creighton | King | Kolkhorst | Perry | Extends the anti-transgender sports ban to collegiate levels and expands the ban itself to include banning trans youth from sports participation (in addition to competition). | 02/17/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
SB 15 | Middleton | Bettencourt | Campbell | Creighton | Flores | Hall | Hancock | Huffman | Hughes | King | Kolkhorst | Nichols | Parker | Paxton | Perry | Schwertner | Sparks | Springer | Extends the anti-transgender sports ban to collegiate levels and expands the ban itself to include banning trans youth from sports participation (in addition to competition). | 06/18/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23 |
SB 1082 | Hall | Restricts all government-produced communications that request or provide information on someone's sex to only use "male" and "female." | 03/09/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
HB 262 | Swanson | Allows for selective noncompliance of federal executive orders as determined by the Texas Attorney General for federal rules in certain categories, including rules regulating education and K-12 sports. | 02/23/2023 Referred to H State Affairs |
These bills punish small businesses for creating safe spaces for the LGBTQ+ community
Bill Number | Author | Description | Status |
SB 1443 | Hall | Bans all books, performances, and websites that refer to LGBTQ+ topics or identity in schools. | 03/16/2023 S Referred to Education |
HB 643 | Patterson | Defines any business that hosts performers exhibiting a gender identity different from the performer's birth (including by makeup or clothing) as sexually oriented businesses in the eyes of the law. | 02/23/2023 Referred to H State Affairs |
HB 708 | Shaheen | Defines any business that hosts performers exhibiting a gender identity different from the performer's birth (including by makeup or clothing) as sexually oriented businesses in the eyes of the law. | 02/28/2023 Referred to H State Affairs |
HB 1266 | Schatzline | Defines any business that hosts performers exhibiting a gender identity different from the performer's birth (including by makeup or clothing) as sexually oriented businesses in the eyes of the law. | 03/03/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
SB 476 | Hughes | Kolkhorst | Defines any business that hosts performers exhibiting a gender identity different from the performer's birth (including by makeup or clothing) as sexually oriented businesses in the eyes of the law. | 02/17/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
HB 4129 | Slaton | Defines any business that hosts performers exhibiting a gender identity different from the performer's birth (including by makeup or clothing) as sexually oriented businesses in the eyes of the law. Felony charges for performers and civil lawsuits & license revocation for venues hosting an all-ages drag performance. | 03/21/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
SB 12 | Hughes | Kolkhorst | Defines drag as a "sexually oriented performance" and threatens venues hosting all-ages drag performances with civil fines up to $10,000 and performers with criminal misdemeanor charges. | 06/18/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23 |
SB 2281 | Middleton | Defines drag as a class of "obscene adult cabaret performances" and criminalizes drag shows that are all-ages or done on public property. | 03/22/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
HB 4378 | Slaton | Subjecting performers, promoters, and conductors of drag performances to additional legal liability for all-ages drag performances. | 03/21/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
SB 1601 | Hughes | Revokes state funding for any municipal library that hosts an all-ages drag storytime. | 04/17/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
SB 2290 | Hughes | Defines drag as a "sexually oriented performance" and requires "warnings" posted in advertisements and at the entrance of any venue hosting a drag show. Violations of the bill are actionable as a "deceptive trade practice." | 3/20/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
Having an ID that reflects who you are is a basic form of dignity that many take for granted.These bills make it difficult or impossible for trans people to update essential ID documents.
Bill Number | Author | Description | Status |
SB 162 | Perry | Prohibits the correction of gender markers on minors' birth certificates for anything other than a clerical error or in the event a child is intersex. | 04/10/2023 H Referred to Public Health |
HB 1952 | Toth | Requires that birth certificates include and mark "biological sex," as defined exclusively by the presence of a Y chromosome. | 05/04/2023 H Committee report sent to Calendars |
HB 3883 | Troxclair | Adds legal "definitions" of gender that enforce the gender binary throughout state law and require their use in the collection of vital statistics. | 03/20/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 3902 | Harrison | Adds legal "definitions" of gender that enforce the gender binary throughout state law. | 03/20/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 2862 | Swanson | Would require inmates in state prisons to be separated based on "biological sex." | 03/14/2023 H Referred to Corrections |
HB 3147 | Swanson | Would require inmates in state prisons to be separated based on "biological sex," including those admitted to juvenile detention facilities. | 04/24/2023 H Left pending in committee |
HB 3213 | Swanson | Would require the separation of those in juvenile detention facilities based on "biological sex." | 03/15/2023 H Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues |
These bills limit the authority of district attorneys to choose when and whom to prosecute. In the face of an illegal, non-binding order from the governor, many district attorneys have committed to honoring the human rights of trans kids and their families. We should not punish attorneys that have the integrity to stand up to government overreach.
Bill Number | Author | Description | Status |
HB 1350 | Cook | Hull | Slawson | Oliverson | Bumgarner | Cain | Capriglione | Cunningham | Frank | Frazier | Gates | Goldman | Harris, Caroline | Harrison | Holland | Isaac | Jetton | King, Ken | Lopez, Janie | Noble | Patterson | Rogers | Schatzline | Shaheen | Smith | Stucky | Tepper | Thimesch | Troxclair | Vasut | Punishes attorneys who refuse to prosecute parents of trans youth under the state's illegal directive targeting families | 03/03/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
SB 378 | Parker | Punishes attorneys who refuse to prosecute parents of trans youth under the state's illegal directive targeting families | 02/15/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
SB 404 | King | Punishes attorneys who refuse to prosecute parents of trans youth under the state's illegal directive targeting families | 02/15/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
HB 1732 | Leach | Punishes attorneys who refuse to prosecute parents of trans youth under the state's illegal directive targeting families | 03/07/2023 H Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence |
HB 200 | Leach | Punishes attorneys who refuse to prosecute parents of trans youth under the state's illegal directive targeting families | 05/05/2023 H Committee report sent to Calendars |
HB 125 | Slaton | Punishes attorneys who refuse to prosecute parents of trans youth under the state's illegal directive targeting families | 02/23/2023 Referred to H State Affairs |
SB 648 | Middleton | Punishes attorneys who refuse to prosecute parents of trans youth under the state's illegal directive targeting families | 02/17/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
HB 17 | Cook | Punishes attorneys who refuse to prosecute parents of trans youth under the state's illegal directive targeting families | 6/7/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23 |
These bills allow people with “sincerely held religious beliefs” or “moral objections” to discriminate against LGBTQ+ people, when providing goods and services.
Bill Number | Author | Description | Status |
HB 319 | Oliverson | Allows for any provider to deny participation in a healthcare service due to their “conscience” defined as a sincerely held set of moral convictions. There are exceptions provided for emergency or life-saving care. | 02/23/2023 H Referred to Public Health |
HB 3082 | Hayes | Allows for any pharmacy, pharmacist, or pharm tech to deny dispensing of medication according to religious belief or moral conviction. | 03/14/2023 H Referred to Public Health |
HB 2659 | Leo-Wilson | This bill would allow for school personnel to refuse training on or implementation of LGBTQ+ inclusion policies based on religious belief. | 03/14/2023 H Referred to Public Education |
SB 1879 | Middleton | Prohibits state officials from enforcing separation between church and state | 3/20/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
HB 5003 | Cain | Prohibits state officials from enforcing separation between church and state | 03/23/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
SB 559 | Hughes | Bettencourt | Birdwell | Creighton | Flores | Middleton | Perry | Broad and vague legislation preventing state bar action against attorneys for "the free exercise of religion." | 05/23/2023 H Placed on General State Calendar |
HB 2846 | Cain | Broad and vague legislation preventing state bar action against attorneys for "the free exercise of religion." | 05/10/2023 H Placed on General State Calendar |
While communities across the state have made efforts to protect their LGBTQ+ neighbors, politicians at the capitol are devising ways to preempt local nondiscrimination ordinances and other local protections.
Bill Number | Author | Description | Status |
SB 563 | Sparks | Preempts any local regulations that "exceed or conflict with" state or federal regulations on employment practices/benefits/etc. | 02/17/2023 S Referred to Business & Commerce |
HB 121 | Vasut | Preempts any local regulations that "exceed or conflict with" state or federal regulations on employment practices/benefits/etc. | 02/23/2023 Referred to H State Affairs |
SB 130 | Campbell | Preempts any local regulations on employee benefits and wages. | 04/14/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 2127 | Burrows | Meyer | Goldman | King, Ken | Raymond | Cain | Harless | Harris, Cody | Harrison | Hayes | Hefner | Isaac | Jetton | Metcalf | Schaefer | Shaheen | Tepper | Toth | Troxclair | Vasut | Preempts all local regulations that affect provisions of the state's Agriculture, Finance, Insurance, Labor, Natural Resources, or Occupations codes. | 06/14/2023 E Effective on 9/1/23 |
SB 814 | Creighton | Middleton | Preempts all local regulations that affect provisions of the state's Agriculture, Finance, Insurance, Labor, Natural Resources, or Occupations codes. | 04/04/2023 S Left pending in committee |
HB 2350 | Harris, Cody | Preempts all local regulations affecting licensed occupations. | Hearing scheduled for 05/18/2023 | 8:30AM | E1.012 | S Business & Commerce |
HB 2440 | Stucky | Preempts all local regulations affecting licensed occupations. | 03/13/2023 H Referred to Public Health |
Healthcare | Education | Non-Discrimination | Clean Up | Miscellaneous
Health care is essential to a full and healthy life. The following bills help ensure access to vital care for LGBTQ+ people across the state of Texas.
Bill Number | Author | Description | Status |
SB 439 | Menendez | Bans conversion therapy. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to Health & Human Services |
HB 1679 | Hernandez | Bans conversion therapy. | 03/07/2023 H Referred to Public Health |
HB 5026 | Bryant | Bans conversion therapy. | 03/23/2023 H Referred to Public Health |
HB 496 | Meza | Prohibits the coverage of conversion therapy by health benefit plans. | 02/23/2023 H Referred to Insurance |
HB 1746 | Hernandez | Bans nonconsensual medical procedures for intersex youth. | 03/07/2023 H Referred to Public Health |
HB 526 | Wu | Requires health benefit plan coverage of HIV testing in routine screenings (with an option for patients to opt-out). | 02/23/2023 H Referred to Insurance |
HB 2235 | Jones, Venton | 05/11/2023 S Referred to Health & Human Services | |
HB 3377 | Jones, Venton | 05/10/2023 S Referred to Health & Human Services | |
HB 1403 | Moody | 03/15/2023 H Left pending in committee | |
HB 2798 | Bucy | 03/13/2023 H Referred to Public Health | |
HB 2985 | Jones, Venton | Hearing scheduled for 04/18/2023 | 8:00AM | E2.014 | H Insurance | |
HB 2986 | Jones, Venton | 03/14/2023 H Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | |
HB 1879 | Darby | 05/21/2023 S Committee report printed and distributed | |
HB 1390 | Shaheen | 05/11/2023 S Referred to Health & Human Services | |
HB 1898 | Jetton | Rose | Price | Allison | 05/24/2023 S Placed on intent calendar | |
SB 1365 | Hinojosa | 03/16/2023 S Referred to Health & Human Services | |
SB 137 | West | 02/15/2023 S Referred to Health & Human Services | |
HB 2481 | Garcia | 05/01/2023 S Referred to Health & Human Services | |
HB 4111 | Plesa | 03/21/2023 H Referred to Human Services | |
SB 2452 | Menendez | 03/23/2023 S Referred to Health & Human Services | |
HB 1162 | Thierry | 03/02/2023 H Referred to Public Health | |
HB 1165 | Thierry | 03/02/2023 H Referred to Public Health | |
HB 2552 | Thierry | 03/13/2023 H Referred to Public Health | |
HB 3838 | Zwiener | 03/20/2023 H Referred to Human Services | |
HB 2052 | Jones, Venton | 03/08/2023 H Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | |
HB 2189 | Johnson, Julie | 05/08/2023 H Committee report sent to Calendars | |
SB 840 | West | 05/24/2023 E Effective on 09/01/2023 | |
HB 3037 | Landgraf | 03/14/2023 H Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | |
HB 3548 | Anchia | 05/06/2023 H Laid on the table subject to call | |
SB 2473 | Hinojosa | 03/23/2023 S Referred to Criminal Justice | |
HB 4625 | Reynolds | 05/02/2023 H Failed to receive affirmative vote in comm. | |
HCR 63 | Hunter | Establishes a task force to study suicide prevention in Texas. | Hearing scheduled for 04/12/2023 | 9:00 AM | JHR 120 | H Administration |
These bills would help address some of the obstacles that LGBTQ+ young people and students face in educational institutes across the state.
Bill Number | Author | Description | Status |
HB 989 | Howard | Directs the Department of State Health Services to establish a plan to prevent and treat human papillomavirus among students enrolled at institutions of higher education. | 05/10/2023 H Placed on General State Calendar |
HB 98 | Moody | Allows school districts to contract with local mental health authorities to provide mental health services on-campus. | 04/27/2023 S Referred to Education |
SB 113 | Menendez | Blanco | Eckhardt | Allows school districts to contract with local mental health authorities to provide mental health services on-campus. | Hearing scheduled for 03/15/2023 | 9:00 AM | E1.028 | S Education |
HB 1571 | Lozano | González, Mary | Jetton | 03/28/2023 H Left pending in committee | |
HB 1795 | Howard | 03/07/2023 H Referred to Human Services | |
HB 2773 | Bucy | 03/13/2023 H Referred to Human Services | |
SB 2544 | Blanco | 03/23/2023 S Referred to Health & Human Services | |
SB 891 | Zaffirini | 03/08/2023 S Left pending in committee | |
HB 2881 | Plesa | 03/14/2023 H Referred to Youth Health & Safety, Select | |
HB 1157 | Lozano | 05/18/2023 S Left pending in committee | |
SB 1101 | Paxton | 03/09/2023 S Referred to Education | |
SB 662 | LaMantia | Removed from hearing scheduled for 03/29/2023 | |
SB 948 | West | Blanco | 03/03/2023 S Referred to Education | |
HB 2451 | Allison | 03/13/2023 H Referred to Youth Health & Safety, Select | |
HB 2588 | Talarico | 03/13/2023 H Referred to Youth Health & Safety, Select | |
SB 2047 | Miles | 03/21/2023 S Referred to Education | |
SB 1241 | LaMantia | 03/09/2023 S Referred to Education | |
SB 907 | Johnson | 03/03/2023 S Referred to Education | |
HB 2937 | Lopez, Janie | 03/14/2023 H Referred to Public Education | |
SB 1157 | Menendez | 03/09/2023 S Referred to Education | |
HB 2868 | Thierry | 03/14/2023 H Referred to Public Education | |
HB 3631 | Lalani | 05/16/2023 S Referred to s/c on Higher Education by Pres | |
HB 3800 | King, Ken | 04/10/2023 H Left pending in committee | |
HB 4200 | Ramos | 03/21/2023 H Referred to Youth Health & Safety, Select | |
HB 906 | Moody | 05/01/2023 S Referred to s/c on Higher Education by Pres | |
SB 633 | Menendez | 02/17/2023 S Ref to s/c on Higher Education by Pres | |
HB 3690 | Jones, Jolanda | 03/16/2023 H Referred to Higher Education | |
HB 1945 | Rosenthal | 03/08/2023 H Referred to Youth Health & Safety, Select | |
HB 1537 | Howard | Allows law enforcement agencies to submit "handle with care" notices to schools if they notice a student has experienced a traumatic event in the course of their duties. Directs the TEA and law enforcement agencies to develop implementation training and appropriate care for affected students. | 05/11/2023 H Postponed |
HB 2479 | Rose | 03/13/2023 H Referred to Public Education | |
HB 2106 | Talarico | 03/09/2023 H Referred to Public Education | |
HB 72 | Zwiener | Requires public school health curriculum to adopt evidence-based practices that will teach respect for another person's bodily autonomy. | 02/23/2023 Referred to H Public Education |
HB 1119 | Gervin-Hawkins | Directs the State Board of Education to develop curriculum on cultural sensitivity, including encouraging students to accept diversity and promote critical thinking. | 03/02/2023 Referred to H Public Education |
HB 1334 | Gervin-Hawkins | Directs the State Board of Education to develop curriculum on cultural sensitivity, including encouraging students to accept diversity and promote critical thinking. | 03/03/2023 H Referred to Public Education |
SB 1302 | Zaffirini | 03/09/2023 S Referred to Education | |
HB 97 | Bernal | Repeals harmful education censorship policies that were passed in the 87th legislative sesison. | 02/23/2023 Referred to H Public Education |
HB 4016 | Gonzalez, Mary | 03/20/2023 H Referred to Public Education | |
HB 4017 | Gonzalez, Mary | 03/20/2023 H Referred to Public Education | |
HB 4545 | Ordaz | 03/22/2023 H Referred to Public Education | |
HB 4575 | Jones, Jolanda | 03/22/2023 H Referred to Public Education | |
HB 4625 | Reynolds | 05/02/2023 H Failed to receive affirmative vote in comm. | |
SB 2185 | Menendez | 03/22/2023 S Referred to Education | |
SB 2321 | West | 03/22/2023 S Referred to Education | |
HB 5091 | Zwiener | 03/23/2023 H Referred to Public Education | |
HB 5266 | Zwiener | 03/24/2023 H Referred to Public Education | |
HB 1249 | Lozano | 03/20/2023 H Withdrawn from schedule | |
HB 2929 | Lozano | 06/10/2023 E Effective immediately | |
SB 2318 | West | 03/22/2023 S Referred to Education | |
HB 1485 | Ramos | 04/03/2023 H Withdrawn from schedule | |
HB 3410 | Thierry | 03/16/2023 H Referred to State Affairs | |
SB 449 | Menendez | Requires school board members and superintendents to complete an annual training course on trauma-informed school standards. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to Education |
HB 3471 | Bucy | 03/16/2023 H Referred to Higher Education | |
HB 1135 | Jetton | 03/02/2023 H Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | |
SB 81 | Johnson | Updates unconstitutional state code to include and recognize LGBTQ+ families. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
SB 82 | Johnson | Updates unconstitutional state code to include and recognize LGBTQ+ relationships. This includes repealing harmful "no promo homo" policies. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
SB 111 | Menendez | Eckhardt | Updates unconstitutional state code to include and recognize LGBTQ+ relationships. This includes repealing harmful "no promo homo" policies. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
HB 970 | Zwiener | Updates unconstitutional state code to include and recognize LGBTQ+ relationships. This includes repealing harmful "no promo homo" policies. | 03/02/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 2055 | Jones, Venton | Updates unconstitutional state code to include and recognize LGBTQ+ relationships. This includes repealing harmful "no promo homo" policies. | 05/10/2023 H Placed on General State Calendar |
SB 2046 | Whitmire | Updates unconstitutional state code to include and recognize LGBTQ+ relationships. This includes repealing harmful "no promo homo" policies. | 03/21/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
HB 2048 | Zwiener | Repeals harmful "no promo homo" policies. | 03/08/2023 H Referred to Public Health |
HB 3160 | Moody | Updates unconstitutional state code to include and recognize LGBTQ+ relationships. This includes repealing harmful "no promo homo" policies. | 03/15/2023 H Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence |
These bills protect LGBTQ+ Texans from disparate treatment or discrimination based solely on their sexual orientation or gender identity, creating a Texas where housing, veterans affairs, insurance, and more is more equal for all Texans.
Bill Number | Author | Description | Status |
HJR 143 | Bryant | Proposing a Texas constitutional amendment providing for equality under the law regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. | 03/15/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 256 | Bernal | Prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in employment, public accomodations, housing, and state contractors. | 02/23/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 725 | Rose | Updates Texas hate crimes laws to add in gender identity or expression. Prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in custody issues, in providing insurance and employment. | 02/28/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 850 | Reynolds | Prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in employment, public accomodations, housing, and state contractors. | 03/01/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
SB 274 | Blanco | Prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in employment, public accomodations, housing, and state contractors. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
HB 1012 | Gonzalez, Jessica | Prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or veteran status in employment, public accomodations, housing, and state contractors. | 03/02/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
SB 110 | Menendez | Eckhardt | Prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or veteran status in employment, public accomodations, housing, and state contractors. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
HB 3918 | Rosenthal | 03/20/2023 H Referred to State Affairs | |
HB 265 | Bernal | Prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in housing. | 02/23/2023 H Referred to Urban Affairs |
HB 831 | Johnson, Julie | Prohibits the denial of insurance coverage to any individual on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. | 03/01/2023 H Referred to Insurance |
HB 1020 | Reynolds | Requires training for election workers to prevent harassment, discrimination, and issues for transgender voters at the polls. | 03/02/2023 H Referred to Elections |
HB 1806 | Morales Shaw | 03/07/2023 H Referred to International Relations & Economic Development | |
HB 1534 | Gervin-Hawkins | Garcia | Plesa | Recognizes veterans who were discharged unfavorably due to their LGBTQ+ identity as honorably discharged under state law and ensuring their access to all associated benefits. | 03/03/2023 H Referred to Defense & Veterans' Affairs |
HB 832 | Johnson, Julie | Prohibits child welfare services providers from refusing to provide services based on the provider's religious beliefs. | 03/01/2023 H Referred to Human Services |
HB 4488 | Wu | Prohibits child welfare services providers from refusing to provide services based on the provider's religious beliefs. | 03/21/2023 H Referred to Human Services |
HB 4884 | Flores | 03/23/2023 H Referred to Public Health | |
SB 218 | Eckhardt | 02/15/2023 S Referred to State Affairs | |
SB 219 | Eckhardt | 02/15/2023 S Referred to State Affairs | |
HB 5110 | Bhojani | 05/11/2023 H Placed on General State Calendar | |
HB 3410 | Thierry | 03/16/2023 H Referred to State Affairs | |
HB 567 | Bowers | Rose | Reynolds | Sherman, Sr. | Buckley | Allen | Anchía | Bernal | Bryant | Bucy | Button | Campos | Cole | Collier | Cortez | Flores | Gamez | Gates | Gervin-Hawkins | González, Jessica | González, Mary | Goodwin | Hayes | Hernandez | Hinojosa | Howard | Johnson, Ann | Johnson, Julie | Jones, Jolanda | Jones, Venton | Lalani | Manuel | Morales Shaw | Morales, Christina | Ordaz | Ortega | Perez | Plesa | Ramos | Talarico | Thierry | Troxclair | Turner | Vo | Walle | Wu | 05/27/2023 Effective on 9/1/23 | |
HB 4480 | Rosenthal | This bill, also known as the "Alex Act," increases penalties for intentional false reports to DFPS, including harsher penalties for those who submit false reports motivated by bias and/or prejudice. | 03/21/2023 H Referred to Human Services |
SB 676 | Johnson | 02/17/2023 S Referred to Health & Human Services | |
HB 838 | González, Jessica | 04/18/2023 H Left pending in committee | |
SB 877 | Eckhardt | 03/01/2023 S Referred to Business & Commerce | |
HB 2182 | Gonzalez, Jessica | 03/09/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
These bills address the portions of our state law that still reflect the animus and bias of a bygone era. By cleaning up these statutes, Texas can update its laws to reflect the decisions of the US and Texas Supreme Courts.
Bill Number | Author | Description | Status |
HB 1534 | Gervin-Hawkins | Garcia | Plesa | Recognizes veterans who were discharged unfavorably due to their LGBTQ+ identity as honorably discharged under state law and ensuring their access to all associated benefits. | 03/03/2023 H Referred to Defense & Veterans' Affairs |
SB 81 | Johnson | Updates unconstitutional state code to include and recognize LGBTQ+ families. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
SB 2537 | Menendez | Eckhardt | 03/23/2023 S Referred to Criminal Justice | |
HB 5017 | Jones, Jolanda | 03/23/2023 H Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence | |
HB 1685 | Hernandez | Updates state statute to recognize marriage equality. | 03/07/2023 H Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence |
SJR 15 | Johnson | Miles | Proposes a state constitutional amendment repealing unconstitutional language not reflective of marriage equality. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
HJR 61 | Johnson, Julie | Proposes a state constitutional amendment repealing unconstitutional language not reflective of marriage equality. | 02/28/2023 H Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence |
SB 82 | Johnson | Updates unconstitutional state code to include and recognize LGBTQ+ relationships. This includes repealing harmful "no promo homo" policies. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
SB 111 | Menendez | Eckhardt | Updates unconstitutional state code to include and recognize LGBTQ+ relationships. This includes repealing harmful "no promo homo" policies. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
HB 970 | Zwiener | Updates unconstitutional state code to include and recognize LGBTQ+ relationships. This includes repealing harmful "no promo homo" policies. | 03/02/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 2055 | Jones, Venton | Updates unconstitutional state code to include and recognize LGBTQ+ relationships. This includes repealing harmful "no promo homo" policies. | 05/10/2023 H Placed on General State Calendar |
SB 2046 | Whitmire | Updates unconstitutional state code to include and recognize LGBTQ+ relationships. This includes repealing harmful "no promo homo" policies. | 03/21/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
HB 2048 | Zwiener | Repeals harmful "no promo homo" policies. | 03/08/2023 H Referred to Public Health |
HB 3160 | Moody | Updates unconstitutional state code to include and recognize LGBTQ+ relationships. This includes repealing harmful "no promo homo" policies. | 03/15/2023 H Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence |
SB 228 | Eckhardt | Extends "Romeo and Juliet" protections to LGBTQ+ youth. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to Criminal Justice |
HB 1762 | Gonzalez, Mary | Flores | Extends "Romeo and Juliet" protections to LGBTQ+ youth. | 05/10/2023 H Placed on General State Calendar |
SB 676 | Johnson | 02/17/2023 S Referred to Health & Human Services | |
HB 838 | González, Jessica | 04/18/2023 H Left pending in committee | |
SB 877 | Eckhardt | 03/01/2023 S Referred to Business & Commerce | |
HB 2182 | Gonzalez, Jessica | 03/09/2023 H Referred to State Affairs | |
HB 4596 | Hinojosa | 04/25/2023 H Left pending in committee |
Bill Number | Author | Description | Status |
HB 1502 | Plesa | Lujan | Ramos | Talarico | Lalani | 05/11/2023 H Placed on General State Calendar | |
HB 4088 | Plesa | 03/20/2023 H Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues | |
HB 2610 | Plesa | 03/13/2023 H Referred to Human Services | |
HB 5040 | Garcia | 03/23/2023 H Referred to Human Services | |
HB 1627 | Hernandez | 04/05/2023 H Left pending in committee | |
HB 5119 | Morales, Christina | 03/24/2023 H Referred to International Relations & Economic Development | |
HB 690 | Rosenthal | 02/23/2023 H Referred to Public Health | |
HB 4065 | Rose | 04/19/2023 S Referred to Health & Human Services | |
SB 2423 | Johnson | 03/23/2023 S Referred to Health & Human Services | |
HB 4869 | Zwiener | 03/23/2023 H Referred to State Affairs | |
HB 5179 | Plesa | 04/05/2023 H Left pending in committee | |
HB 77 | Neave Criado | Repeals the status offense related to voluntarily running away from home. | 05/09/2023 S Referred to State Affairs |
SB 83 | Johnson | Repeals the status offense related to voluntarily running away from home. | 02/15/2023 S Referred to Criminal Justice |
HB 752 | Rosenthal | Streamlines the process for updating name and gender markers on official documents. | 02/28/2023 H Referred to Public Health |
HB 1102 | Rosenthal | Streamlines the process for updating name and gender markers on official documents. | 03/02/2023 H Referred to Public Health |
HB 1677 | Jetton | 05/01/2023 S Referred to State Affairs | |
HB 428 | Lopez | Establishes a task force to evaluate the housing needs of LGBTQ+ senior citizens and provide safe, affordable housing options. | Hearing scheduled for 04/12/2023 | 9:00AM | JHR 120 | H Administration |
HB 851 | Reynolds | Establishes a task force to study the legal and societal barriers to equality for transgender Texans. | 03/01/2023 H Referred to State Affairs |
HB 4436 | Plesa | Establishes an advisory council to advocate for the needs of older LGBTQ+ adults in Texas. | 03/21/2023 H Referred to Human Services |