For Immediate Release: Equality Texas Releases Statement on MacArthur High School Walkout

Angela Hale | 512.289.2995 |
Debi Jackson | 


September 23, 2021 – AUSTIN, TEXAS – Equality Texas, the largest statewide organization solely dedicated to securing full equality for LGBTQ+ Texans, today released a statement on MacArthur High School students’ courageous walkout in protest of teachers being forced to take down “safe space” stickers on their classroom doors.

“A safe space sticker is a symbol that lets LGBTQ+ young people know that they have supportive adult allies at school who they can turn to should they ever need support. School administrators and educators have made a commitment to keep all students safe, not just some. Removing symbols that help LGBTQ+ students feel affirmed and seen sends a dangerous message to LGBTQ+ kids and their peers — and promotes a hostile school climate. Research is clear, 94% of Texan LGBTQ+ students hear anti-LGBTQ+ remarks from other students in Texas Schools. School-based supports such as school personnel who are supportive of LGBTQ+ students, GSAs, and LGBTQ-inclusive curricular resources can positively affect school climate for LGBTQ+ students. Actively limiting these supports can have detrimental effects on the mental health of youth.”

2021 is the worst year for LGBTQ+ state legislative attacks across the country and in Texas, as an unprecedented number of anti-LGBTQ+ bills, especially bills targeting transgender children, were filed — 76 in total. These bills represent a cruel effort to further stigmatize and discriminate against LGBTQ+ youth.

The debate about the humanity of LGBTQ+ people at the state legislature, especially the fear mongering about the lives of trans people has fueled a culture of bias and discrimination that is now trickling down into our schools. The Trevor Project’s 2021 National Survey on LGBTQ+ Youth Mental Health found that 94% of LGBTQ+ youth reported that recent politics negatively impacted their mental health. Since the nationally coordinated attacks on transgender youth by state legislatures began, Equality Texas has seen a marked increase of bullying and violence against transgender youth and discriminatory disciplining of teachers. For example, Boerne ISD requested the resignation of a nonbinary teacher because of complaints that stem from their gender identity and use of Mx nonbinary honorific, a Wichita Falls High school administrator publicly misgendered and dead-named a trans student in the cafeteria in front of the student body, and a pansexual freshman in Royse City and her group of friends were approached at lunch by a fellow student who read anti-gay scripture to them and proceeded to spray them with “holy water” in an effort to make them feel their sexualities and gender identities were disgraceful. The removal of safe space stickers from MacArthur High School is just the most recent example of many impacting LGBTQ+ young people. 

In the last year alone, Trevor’s crisis counselors have fielded over 14,500 calls, texts, and online messages from young LGBTQ+ Texans looking for support. At a time when LGBTQ+ young people need our support the most, the removal of symbols of safety are misguided and cruel. We should all be working to create supportive and affirming environments in our schools that allow all people on campus, including LGBTQ+ students, to focus on academic success. It is our duty to ensure this goal is realized. Equality Texas is steadfast in our commitment to foster safe and inclusive environments where all LGBTQ+ Texans can live authentically and achieve their fullest potential. We applaud MacArthur High School students for their courage.


Equality Texas is the largest statewide organization working to secure full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Texans through political action, education, community organizing, and collaboration.


For Immediate Release: Equality Texas Releases Statement on Senate Chamber Passage of SB 3

September 22, 2021 by Johnathan Gooch


Angela Hale |  512.289.2995 |
Debi Jackson |

September 22, 2021 – AUSTIN, TEXAS – Equality Texas, the largest statewide organization solely dedicated to securing full equality for LGBTQ+ Texans, today released a statement on the Texas Senate’s passage of SB 3.

“Today the Senate disgracefully — but predictably — passed SB 3, a bill designed to fix the manufactured crisis of trans kids dominating UIL sports with zero (0) examples cited on the floor. The passage of this bill is not an effort to protect girls’ or women’s sports. It is an assault on the transgender community in Texas, and nothing more,” said Ricardo Martinez (he/him), Chief Executive Officer, Equality Texas.

He continued, “For a fourth time this year, the Senate debated not only whether transgender youth should be able to play sports, but used language to call into question their identities, and to imply that they are devious and dangerous to other children. This is why such open public debates on the humanity of an already marginalized group cause immediate harm that extends far beyond the scope of the bills themselves.”

Legislators scoff at the idea that promoting 75+ anti-LGBTQ bills since January has had an negative impact on LGBTQ+ people in Texas, but in the last month, due to the public debate about the humanity of trans people, we have seen a continued and worrisome increase in incidents being reported to Equality Texas. Most recently, a transgender middle schooler, whose family just moved to Austin, attempted to take her own life after being bullied by a classmate about her gender identity, a WFISD high school was reported to have pressured teachers to turn over names of students wishing to use names and pronouns other than the ones on their enrollment forms, a pansexual freshman in Royse City and her group of friends were approached at lunch by a fellow student who read anti-gay scripture to them and proceeded to spray them with “holy water” in an effort to make them feel their sexualities and gender identities were disgraceful, and lastly, a cisgender woman physically assaulted a trans woman at a convenience store in Houston. The attack was proceeded by transphobic, xenophobic, and racist slurs. These debates have perpetuated divisiveness, fortified a culture of discrimination, and placed a target on the backs of marginalized communities.

In contrast to these very real and dangerous examples of harm to the trans community, when directly challenged today, Senator Perry could not cite a single example of a transgender student negatively affecting a cisgender student in sports or produced any evidence as to why this discriminatory legislation is necessary in Texas. Legislators should leave trans children and their families alone and stay out of their private lives.

Transgender children participating in sports is not a national emergency; these attacks on trans kids and the ongoing trauma to the trans community certainly are. That is unconscionable.


Equality Texas is the largest statewide organization working to secure full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Texans through political action, education, community organizing, and collaboration.


For Immediate Release: Equality Texas Statement on Boycott of SB 3 Hearing

September 20, 2021 by Johnathan Gooch


Contact: Debi Jackson |  

    Angela Hale | | 512-289-2995



Crisis counselors have fielded over 14,500 calls, texts, and online messages from young LGBTQ Texans looking for support in the last year. 

Austin, TexasSeptember 20, 2021 – Equality Texas, the largest statewide organization solely dedicated to securing full equality for LGBTQ+ Texans, announces boycott of SB3 hearing. Ricardo Martinez (he/him), Chief Executive Officer of Equality Texas, released the following statement:

“We cannot in good faith ask trans people, trans children, their loving families, and community advocates to participate in the political theatre of the Texas Senate. We have watched the immediate effects of trauma manifest in our advocates as a result of their participation in Senate hearings this year. Numbness, detachment, anxiety, fear, sadness, restlessness, and despair have been commonly experienced by LGBTQ+ community members who have testified during this year’s Senate hearings. These feelings are a direct result of the invasive questions and manipulative tactics used by committee members and the bullying of anti-LGBTQ+ activists. During the most cruel hearing, which took place early in the second-called special session, Senators repeatedly asked parents about their kids’ genitals, patronized young people of color, abruptly dismissed witnesses, interrupted and talked over advocates, or were simply not paying attention. Lawmakers showed up with one goal: to serve up misinformation and to disregard the truth in favor of amplifying transphobia.”

Chairwoman Kolkhorst was the author of the 2017 bathroom bill, Senator Perry has filed more anti-transgender legislation this year than any other lawmaker, and Senator Hall filed one of the most dangerous bills we’ve seen this year which would make it illegal for counselors to even treat children with gender dysphoria. 

We are appalled by the continued assault on our community. During the regular session and the last special session, advocates and community members tirelessly and courageously presented the Texas Senate with unequivocal evidence that Texas transgender children are deeply harmed every time they are forced to see their lives debated during hearings about their participation in sports and their access to affirming healthcare. Willingly overlooking the harm that anti-trans sports bans have on kids and their families with new hearings just underscores the true intent of bills like this: cruelty. 

“In the last month, due to the public debate about the humanity of trans people, we have seen a continued and worrisome increase in incidents being reported to Equality Texas. Most recently, a transgender middle schooler, whose family just moved to Austin, attempted to take her own life after being bullied by a classmate about her gender identity, a WFISD high school was reported to have pressured teachers to turn over names of students wishing to use names and pronouns other than the ones on their enrollment forms, a pansexual freshman in Royse City and her group of friends were approached at lunch by a fellow student who read anti-gay scripture to them and proceeded to spray them with “holy water” in an effort to make them feel their sexualities and gender identities were disgraceful, and lastly, a cisgender woman physically assaulted a trans woman at a convenience store in Houston. The attack was proceeded by transphobic, xenophobic, and racist slurs. These debates have perpetuated divisiveness, fortified a culture of discrimination, and placed a target on the backs of marginalized communities. We will have no part in another one.” 

Instead of participating in the Senate hearing, community advocates will rally at the Capitol at noon. 


Equality Texas is the largest statewide organization working to secure full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Texans through political action, education, community organizing, and collaboration.

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For Immediate Release: Equality Texas and TENT Host Demonstration and Press Conference

September 20, 2021 by Johnathan Gooch



Contact: Debi Jackson |  

                   Angela Hale | 



LGBTQ+ people do not deserve to live under constant threat and fear of their safety and well-being.

Austin, TexasSeptember 20, 2021 – Equality Texas, the largest statewide organization solely dedicated to securing full equality for LGBTQ+ Texans, , and The Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT), the largest statewide, BIPOC trans-led, trans-focused policy, education, and advocacy organization in the state of Texas, announce demonstration and press conference to take place on 9/20/2021 in opposition of cruel and unnecessary anti-trans sports bill. Parents of transgender youth, mental health clinicians, allies, lawmakers and loved ones will gather at the south steps of the Capitol building at noon during protest and in the Speakers Press Room at 2PM.

WHAT: Texans Deserve Better: Community Organizations, Parents, Lawmakers, Mental Health Experts, Speak Out Against Anti-Trans Legislation

WHEN:  Monday, September 20

Demonstration: 12:00PM – 1:00PM

Press Conference: 2:00PM live-streamed on Facebook

WHERE: Demonstration: South Steps of Capitol
Press Conference: Speakers Press Conference Room
Back Up Location: E.2 Capitol Outdoor Rotunda in the Extension

“We have tried to bring attention to the dangers of allowing and prioritizing extremist ideology disguised as cultural emergencies and the accompanying hateful rhetoric at the Texas legislature since the beginning of the year. It is unconscionable that trans children are prioritized once again during a third-called special session. This has been a cruel and unrelenting assault against innocent young Texans and their families, who should be allowed to live without the constant fear and anxiety that the legislature will pass laws to harm them. These debates have perpetuated divisiveness, fortified a culture of discrimination, and placed a target on the backs of marginalized communities,” said Ricardo Martinez (he/him), CEO of Equality Texas

“The impact is playing out in real time across Texas schools. Equality Texas has seen a marked increase in reports of bullying and harassment in schools. Recent examples include reports of school administrators misgendering transgender kids, Dallas ISD teachers being encouraged to release private student information and violate clearly established law (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) and a teacher from Katy seeking help with the worst bullying against transgender students that she has seen in her 16 years of teaching.”

Emmett Schelling (he/him), Executive Director of TENT, stated “I can’t comprehend how lawmakers who have failed to adequately address the recent surge of COVID-19 cases across the state can instead double down on prioritizing attacking and isolating transgender young people that already experienced unique mental health challenges and record rates of violence over the past year. Trevor’s crisis counselors have fielded over 14,500 calls, texts, and online messages from young LGBTQ Texans looking for support in the last year. Aidelen Evans, Tiffany Thomas, Iris Santos, and Miss Coco Channel were all transgender Texans who have tragically lost their lives to violence in 2021. Texas is a leading state in an actual emergency: the murders of Black and Brown transgender women. There are plenty of pressing issues for state leaders to discuss during next week’s special session. Preventing transgender and nonbinary young people from playing school sports with their friends should not be one of them.” 




Equality Texas is the largest statewide organization working to secure full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Texans through political action, education, community organizing, and collaboration.

The Transgender Education Network of Texas is the largest statewide, BIPOC trans-led, trans-focused policy, education, and advocacy organization in the state of Texas.


Special Session 3 Starts Monday: Now is the time to get involved

September 17, 2021 by Johnathan Gooch

The third special session of the Texas legislature will gavel-in this Monday, September 20, 2021. Of the five agenda items, one is the baseless, cruel anti-transgender sports ban. As school administrators debate whether or not it’s safe to even keep schools open, Governor Abbott wants the Texas legislature to debate whether or not transgender kids deserve to play k-12 sports with their friends. 

Transgender kids, their families, and their advocates have been dealing with near constant legislative attacks since the first anti-transgender youth bill was filed last November. In 11 months, close to 70 bills attacking the LGBTQ+ community have been filed — almost 50 of those target transgender kids.

Join us at the Capitol this session to protest the Texas Legislature’s continued targeting of the LGBTQ+ community. We’re planning several in-person events starting this Monday so that legislators can truly comprehend the sheer number of attacks on the community in 2021. Sign up for our Rapid Response list to get updates about upcoming events.

The kids and families directly involved in the fight know each and every one of these bill numbers by heart. They know that if passed, these bills will make every day they stay in Texas more difficult and more dangerous. The sheer volume of bills means that every time one dies, there’s always another to watch and worry over.

Beyond passage, each of these bills represents a person in power willing to cause their family harm just to please fringe organizations, some whose members truly believe transgender children should not exist.

Join our Rapid Response list to know when to join us at the Capitol. If you can’t make it to the Capitol, join our tweetstorm on Monday to amplify the united opposition to yet another special session attacking transgender kids.

We’re beginning to see the lasting effects of politicians relentlessly re-filing anti-transgender bills and fear mongering about transgender youth in political newsletters, official statements, and fundraising appeals. There are devastating reports of:

These are the very real consequences of making political pawns out of already marginalized children.

Texans have had enough of picking on transgender kids. The time to fight is now — we can’t wait until a bill takes effect to take notice. This next session will have 30 more days of opportunities to share your voice and make a difference. It’s unlikely that there will be another special session after this one. Now is the time to get involved, whether it’s making your first call to a legislative office, sending in written testimony, chipping in $5, or coming to rally with us at the Capitol. We’re determined to continue holding the line, but we can’t do it alone. Join us.

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Special Session 3, Week 0 Update

September 10, 2021 by Johnathan Gooch

Before the 3rd Special Session of the Lege gavels in, you can help.

Earlier this week we shared that Governor Abbott added anti-transgender youth legislation to a third special session set to start September 20th. As one of only five items to be considered over the 30 days, we will have to pull out all the stops yet again to ensure that this legislation doesn’t pass.


Call the Speaker of the House, Representative Dade Phelan today at (512) 463-1000 and tell him not to allow anti-transgender legislation on the floor.

Over the course of all three special sessions the Governor has asked legislators to pass legislation that would exclude transgender youth from normal school activities, in this case K-12 sports. No child deserves to be excluded from their peers. It’s especially out-of-touch to debate who is allowed to play sports while schools across the state are shutting down everything — including school sports — to cope with the spike in COVID-19 cases.

If schools aren’t even offering sports, why does the Governor keep bringing this issue back? Because it’s not about sports. This is a concentrated campaign to dehumanize and ostracize transgender youth in exchange for a few votes in a Republican primary.

Of the six anti-transgender youth bills already filed for special session three, only one would ban transgender youth from sports. The other five threaten life-saving healthcare for transgender youth, even going so far as to ban mental health counseling that affirms their existence.

Anti-LGBTQ+ activists are already calling Speaker Phelan to ask him to push for bills that would ban affirming healthcare for transgender youth. Take two-minutes today to call the Speaker at (512) 463-1000 and remind him that 70% of all Texans support equality for the LGBTQ community and urge him not to move any anti-transgender bills this special session.


These existential attacks are right in line with the Governor’s recent actions beyond the legislative session.

Last month you may remember that Governor Abbott purposely mischaracterized affirming, life-saving healthcare for transgender youth when he asked the Department of Family Protective Services to weigh in on what procedures could be considered child abuse. Not only did he perpetuate dangerous misinformation about gender affirming healthcare, he opened the door for politicians without medical expertise or knowledge of the transgender community to determine what’s best for transgender kids.

On September 1st, the Governor took down a government website providing suicide resources for LGBTQ+ foster kids — during Suicide Awareness Month — after being accused by a political rival of promoting “transgender ideology.” The only “ideology” promoted by the website was that transgender kids exist and are worthy of help.


This denial that transgender youth exist is present in every legislative hearing and floor debate at the Capitol. By constantly attacking transgender youth, legislators are normalizing the idea that in order to access all the same rights and privileges of their peers, transgender youth must show up at the Capitol and prove their existence and their worth. We can’t overstate how truly damaging this is.

This is why we have to make sure that this bill and any bill that attacks the humanity of transgender youth does not pass. It’s never been about sports. Help us hold the line one more time this year and show legislators that debating the humanity of transgender kids in any form will not be tolerated.

Call Speaker Phelan today at (512) 463-1000. Urge him not to move any anti-transgender bills to the floor so that these kids don’t have to.

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Special Session 3 Announced: Anti-Trans Sports Bill Remains a Priority

September 7, 2021 by Johnathan Gooch

No, this isn’t an error. We aren’t accidentally reposting an old message. Our community is being attacked once again. And the need for your involvement is urgent.

This afternoon, Governor Abbott announced a third special legislative session and included anti-trans legislation to try to deny trans youth the chance to play sports in his short list of priorities.

If you’ve followed #txlege in 2021, this is not unexpected. What it is, is cruel. Horrific. Exhausting. A relentless fictitious monologue perpetuated by elected officials, riddled with intentional misinformation, portraying trans children as dangerous to dehumanize them and make it easier to convince Texans that it’s ok to exclude trans kids from normal school activities. 

Twenty times Equality Texas has mobilized witnesses and submitted testimony against just this legislation and at times, it feels like we’re not being heard. But I’m asking you to invest in Equality Texas once again while there is still hope to defeat this bill.. Thanks to your partnership and advocacy, and with our community partners, we have been successful at preventing discriminatory anti-LGBTQ bills from becoming law. Your voices were heard through calls, emails, and rallies at the Capitol — so much so that our community held the line against 60+ anti-LGBTQ+ legislative attacks. We can do it again.

It’s difficult to feel hopeful right now, especially when Texas politics have dominated national news this past week. But I urge you to find a second — or third — wind, as there is still an opportunity to have a say in the daily lives of Texan children. 

Take Action


It seems impossible to keep fighting when we wake up to news that historically accurate education (what opponents refer to as Critical Race Theory) is all-but-banned in schools, abortion rights are essentially gone, and the simple right of an opportunity to vote has been needlessly complicated for millions of Texans.

But we have this moment — 30 days beginning September 20th — to positively impact the rights of transgender children in Texas. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Donate to our Special Session Fund so that we can ensure the voices of LGBTQ+ Texans are represented once again during yet another month of hearings and testimony.
  2. Second, if you haven’t signed up to be part of our Rapid Response Team to help send emails, make calls, and show up at the Capitol, please do so now.
  3. Get the word out! Let’s share this opportunity with our fellow Texans who may think that after September 1, the fight for our Texas was over. Use the graphic below to share your support on social media and encourage your networks to get involved and donate.


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September 7, 2021 by Johnathan Gooch

Contact: Angela Hale, 512-289-2995
                   Kara Watkins-Chow,  


LGBTQ+ people do not deserve to live under constant threat and fear of their safety and well-being.


Austin, Texas – September 8, 2021 – Equality Texas, the largest statewide organization solely dedicated to securing full equality for LGBTQ+ Texans, responded today to Gov. Greg Abbott adding anti-trans legislation to the call for a third-called special session. With more than 60 attempts to limit the liberties and rights of LGBTQ+ people, 2021 will go down in history as the most anti-LGBTQ+ legislative year in Texas history.

“Every time these politicians have renewed their push for anti-transgender legislation, I have thought about Leon, a 9 year old trans boy whose family had to leave Texas because they felt unsafe, or Libby who has been coming to the Capitol for five years to ask legislators to stop attacking her. I think of all the trans kids and their loving families who attended rallies at the Capitol this year and who were tormented by anti-equality adults,” said Ricardo Martinez (he/him), CEO of Equality Texas. “I think about Aidelen Evans, Tiffany Thomas, Iris Santos, and Miss Coco Chanel Wortham — all transgender Texans who have tragically lost their lives to violence in 2021. The unequivocal evidence that bills like SB2 and SB29 are causing harm and further stigmatizing our communities has been willingly ignored. Extremist politicians are saying no to even the simplest affirmation and recognition of our humanity — refusing to use the appropriate pronouns during hearings. They actively choose not to see us even though they know that choosing to see us could save lives. Prioritizing transgender youth once again on the call is a reprehensible decision.” 

“Our community has shown up to the Capitol time and time again to ask their elected officials for empathy, compassion and understanding. Instead, we have been subjected to a level of cruelty that is beneath contempt. The relentless attacks on communities of color, historically accurate education, abortion rights, voting rights, and LGBTQ+ rights, are attacks on the civil liberties of all Texans. When you attack one Texan, you attack all Texans. We will not back down.”



Equality Texas is the largest statewide organization working to secure full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Texans through political action, education, community organizing, and collaboration. 

The Equality Texas Foundation works to secure full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Texans through education, community organizing, and collaboration.

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Special Session 2 Week 4 Wrap-up: Sine Die, Round 3

September 3, 2021 by Johnathan Gooch

In the Texas legislature, everything can change in a week. This week in particular was full of surprises, twists, and turns that gave LGBTQ+ advocates a serious case of emotional whiplash.

Let’s start with where things stand: the legislature ended the session yesterday, killing SB 2, the anti-transgender sports bill. This is the direct result of your advocacy, your calls, emails, and testimony over the last 30 days. Although we’re still unsure what the future may hold, this in itself is something to be proud of. This year alone we have killed 20 versions of this bill in three separate sessions. This is a huge feat.

At the same time, we have to acknowledge the effects of what has been the most extreme Texas legislative session on all fronts, with legislative attacks on voting rights, abortion rights, classroom censorship, and racial justice. This past Wednesday 666 new laws took effect, many of which directly attack the civil liberties of all Texans.

At least transgender youth can breathe a sigh of relief today, knowing that SB 2 was defeated. However, we must continue to equip ourselves and fortify our resources, as we know there will be at least one more special session called for redistricting. We’re bracing ourselves for the possibility of yet another round of attacks on transgender youth, and need your support to prepare for another fight. Donate to the Special Session Fund today.

What Happened This Week

On Monday, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick gave the legislature an ultimatum: pass the transgender sports ban and a second ban on teaching about systemic racism or he wouldn’t pass a crucial bill that would fund the legislature.

Put bluntly, Dan Patrick would rather hundreds of families lose their livelihoods and health insurance during a global pandemic than let a few transgender kids play sports with their friends.

The Ultimatum Explained

Back in June, the Governor vetoed a part of the legislative budget that included salaries and healthcare for all legislative staff and Capitol building workers just because the legislature didn’t pass 100% of his priorities. That funding had to be restored by September 30th for the legislature to function. It’s this money that Dan Patrick decided to hold hostage.

The Outcome

On Tuesday after the Lt. Governor’s ultimatum, Chairman Harold Dutton called a formal meeting of the House Public Education committee to hold votes on pending bills. Both advocates and opponents of equality lined the room waiting to see what would happen. Chairman Dutton brought up SB 2, the transgender sports ban, and after briefly noting that he knew of no cases of the “problem” the bill seeks to solve, he adjourned the meeting without a vote on the bill.

Two days later the legislature restored funding for Capitol workers while SB 2 died in committee. Dan Patrick did not follow through with his threat of shutting down the state legislature, but he wasted no time in asking Governor Abbott to add it to the redistricting special session in the near future. The Governor hasn’t shared any details about what the redistricting session will look like or when it will start.

A Message From Ricardo

As we wait to see how the rest of this year plays out we’ll leave you with a special message from our CEO, Ricardo Martinez:

“The damage SB2 has already inflicted is palpable — it is evident in the faces of children and families who are traumatized after a grueling second-called special legislative session, so much so that some of them have left the state to protect their families and escape the irreparable harm.


“But the worst of the legislative session also brings out the best in our communities. I’ve watched colleagues, friends, and organizers I don’t know but recognize fighting these reprehensible attacks on communities of color, classroom censorship, abortion rights, voting rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and I’m floored at their tenacity, courage, and passion to show up time and time again. What Texas organizers have lived through in 2021 is nothing short of a cruel and traumatic experience.


“These nine months have profoundly drained the selfless spirits of those who fight so valiantly to defend equality. And still, our work against the extreme anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric and rampant violence in Texas continues. Now more than ever it is critical that we continue our fight for a more just Texas.”

Join us by donating today. Any amount — even $5 — helps. 

Thank you for trusting us with this work, for believing in our efforts to coordinate a resistance to the anti-LGBTQ+ agenda, and for continuing to be engaged with us as we fight for the full lived equality of LGBTQ+ Texans. As we prepare for another special session, any gift you can offer to reinvest in our work is appreciated. Together, we can protect our community from the continued assault by opponents of equality.

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For Immediate Release: Equality Texas Statement on Second-Called Special Session Adjourning Sine Die

September 3, 2021 by Johnathan Gooch


Angela Hale |

Kara Watkins-Chow |




AUSTIN (September 03, 2021) – Yesterday, SB 2, an anti-transgender sports ban targeting young children, died pending in committee as the Texas House adjourned Sine Die. Equality Texas, the largest statewide organization solely dedicated to securing full equality for LGBTQ+ Texans, responded to the defeat of the bill: 

“This is a bittersweet moment. Our community can breathe a temporary sigh of relief,” said Ricardo Martinez (he/him), Chief Executive Officer of Equality Texas. “LGBTQ+ people do not deserve to live under the constant threat of a new political attack. This year alone, LGBTQ+ Texans have been subjected to over 60 legislative attacks on their health, safety and humanity between regular session bills, special session bills and amendments. I’m so grateful and proud of all of our advocates who are on the frontlines of so many tough fights and who were pushed to their limits by politicians’ contempt, lack of compassion, and willingness to overlook harm to our community for political aspirations.

“The damage SB 2 and similar bills have already inflicted is palpable—it is evident in the faces of children and families who are traumatized after a grueling second special legislative session, so much so that some of them have left the state to protect their families. But the worst of politics also brings out the best in our communities. I’ve watched colleagues, friends, and organizers fighting reprehensible attacks on communities of color, historically accurate education, abortion rights, voting rights, and LGBTQ+ rights, and I’m floored by their tenacity, courage and passion to show up time and time again. These nine months have drained the selfless spirits of those who fight so valiantly to defend equality. But our work against the extreme anti-LGBTQ+ politics in Texas continues.

“I hope every Texan will join me in calling on our elected leaders to take further action to build a state where all transgender and LGBTQ+ kids can grow to reach their full potential instead of continuing to target and harm innocent children.”


Equality Texas is the largest statewide organization working to secure full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Texans through political action, education, community organizing, and collaboration.


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