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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: EQUALITY TEXAS REACTS TO THE SCHEDULING OF ANTI-TRANSGENDER SPORTS BILL HB 25 HEARING October 5, 2021 at 10:55 am For months, we have been ringing the alarm about the unequivocal harm that filing, hearing, and debating anti-trans bills has had on our community. These are real kids and real lives and should not continue to be treated as political fodder, session after session.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: EQUALITY TEXAS AND THE TRANSGENDER EDUCATION NETWORK OF TEXAS TO LEAD DEMONSTRATION AGAINST HB 10, HB 25, AND SB 3. September 29, 2021 at 4:50 pm Equality Texas, the Transgender Education Network of Texas, ACLU of Texas, Human Rights Campaign, Lambda Legal and the Texas Freedom Network will host a demonstration in protest of anti-transgender bills HB 10, HB 25 and SB 3 outside of the House Chambers.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: EQUALITY TEXAS RELEASES STATEMENT ON TEMPLE HIGH SCHOOL WALKOUT September 29, 2021 at 4:45 pm We applaud Temple High School students for their courage to stand in solidarity with their classmates and modeling what compassion, understanding and unconditional love look like.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: EQUALITY TEXAS STATEMENT ON THREE ANTI-TRANSGENDER SPORTS BILLS BEING REFERRED TO HOUSE COMMITTEES September 27, 2021 at 6:35 pm We’re disappointed that we are here for a fourth session defending the humanity of innocent transgender children in Texas. We will do everything in our power to stop these bills from becoming law.
For Immediate Release: Equality Texas Releases Statement on MacArthur High School Walkout September 23, 2021 at 3:00 pm School administrators and educators have made a commitment to keep all students safe, not just some. Removing symbols that help LGBTQ+ students feel affirmed and seen sends a dangerous message to LGBTQ+ kids and their peers — and promotes a hostile school climate.
For Immediate Release: Equality Texas Releases Statement on Senate Chamber Passage of SB 3 September 22, 2021 at 5:50 pm Today the Senate disgracefully — but predictably — passed SB 3, a bill designed to fix the manufactured crisis of trans kids dominating UIL sports with zero (0) examples cited on the floor.
For Immediate Release: Equality Texas Statement on Boycott of SB 3 Hearing September 20, 2021 at 3:19 pm Crisis counselors have fielded over 14,500 calls, texts, and online messages from young LGBTQ Texans looking for support in the last year. 
For Immediate Release: Equality Texas and TENT Host Demonstration and Press Conference September 20, 2021 at 8:00 am Parents of transgender youth, mental health clinicians, allies, lawmakers and loved ones will gather at the south steps of the Capitol building at noon during protest and in the Speakers Press Room at 2PM.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: EQUALITY TEXAS RESPONDS TO GOV. GREG ABBOTT ADDING ANTI-TRANS LEGISLATION TO THE CALL, AGAIN. September 7, 2021 at 8:01 pm LGBTQ+ people do not deserve to live under constant threat and fear of their safety and well-being.
For Immediate Release: Equality Texas Statement on Second-Called Special Session Adjourning Sine Die September 3, 2021 at 3:11 pm The damage SB 2 and similar bills have already inflicted is palpable—it is evident in the faces of children and families who are traumatized after a grueling second special legislative session.