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Statement Regarding ‘Younger v Georgulas’ Child Custody Case
Posted on October 25, 2019 at 4:00 pm

This case is a private matter handled in a court of law where it belongs. We have already seen the state’s politicization of transgender children during the bathroom bill debate and it puts children’s lives at risk.

Politicians have no business delving into people’s private lives and exploiting them for political gain. It is absolute hypocrisy. Those who falsely claimed they cared about privacy during the bathroom bill are now turning around and violating this child’s privacy in the news media and on social media, rather than trying to understand the facts of the case.

These fear tactics and false rhetoric have real consequences to innocent children and exploit the most vulnerable people in our state.

We encourage people who care about the welfare of the child to educate themselves about the facts rather than relying on intentional misinformation about what it means for a young transgender child to be affirmed.

Angela Hale | Acting CEO
Pronouns: she/her/hers

Equality Texas & Equality Texas Foundation

Download a copy of the statement here.