With more and more Texans staying home to stay healthy, a lot of folks have free time on their hands or just need to connect with people outside of their walls. Equality Texas is here to help. We have been hard at work developing new ways to connect with you and have finalized our April calendar of virtual events that include issue education, skill-based trainings, and informal gatherings. Please register to join us for any — or all! — of these online events.
Date: April 2, 2020 | Time: 5:30PM
About: Join us to create community online. We want to know how everyone is doing. What are you experiencing, what have you learned, what do you care about? Let’s share.
Contact: Robert.Salcido@equalitytexas.org
Date: April 6, 2020 | Time: 5:30PM
About: We are waiting for the Supreme Court of the United States to release opinions on three cases about LGBTQ employment discrimination that will determine if federal law protects LGBTQ people. Join us and learn what is at stake!
Contact: Rachel.Hill@equalitytexas.org
Date: April 13, 2020 | Time: 5:30PM
About: Get an insider’s overview of how the Texas Legislature works. The legislature is a body of elected officials who debate and vote on bills that impact our daily lives. These bills can address timely and necessary issues and can sometimes be introduced to limit the rights of people. Learn about the process, the people, and the challenges to pass and kill bills.
Contact: Rachel.Hill@equalitytexas.org
Date: April 16, 2020 | Time: 5:30PM
About: The advocacy landscape has changed but our mission remains the same: Equality for all LGBTQ+ Texans. Join us to learn tangible ways you can remain active during social distancing.
Contact: Robert.Salcido@equalitytexas.org
Date: April 20, 2020 | Time: 5:30PM
About: Join us to learn about anti-trans bills that have been introduced across the country in 2020 and how they might show up in the 2021 Texas legislative session.
Contact: Rachel.Hill@equalitytexas.org
Date: April 23, 2020 | Time: 5:30PM
About: The COVID-19 pandemic presents a series of unique challenges that may have long-term impact on transgender people and their families. The Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund has prepared a series of “Know Your Rights” guides for transgender and non-binary people who may have questions related to employment, housing, health care, identification, and accessing help from government agencies among other issues. Join the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund, Equality Texas and Transgender Education Network of Texas to review your rights.
Date: April 27, 2020
About: More to come soon
Registration coming soon
Date: April 30, 2020 | Time: 5:30PM
About: It’s not easy to have honest conversations with family about issues important to us that may not be aligned with their views. Join us to learn how to share your story effectively.
Contact: Robert.Salcido@equalitytexas.org
Our lives have been disrupted and it’s easy to feel disconnected from our community. But we will continue to find ways to bring us all together and come out stronger on the other side.
See you — on a screen — soon!