Public School Non-Discrimination
HB 70 – Gonzalez, M
Currently there is no law in Texas prohibiting discrimination in public schools based on sexual orientation or gender identity and expression. Although the state’s largest school districts have policies prohibiting such discrimination, students, parents and teachers throughout the state in many school districts have no such protection.
Employment Non-Discrimination
HB 627 – Johnson
SB 856 – Rodriguez
Under current law it is illegal to discriminate in employment in Texas based on a person’s race, religion, gender, national origin, age, or disability. It remains legal to discriminate based on a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity or expression. All Texans should have the right to provide for themselves and their families. Businesses need a stable workforce and clear guidelines in order to recruit and maintain the best employees. Adopting a single, statewide standard of employment non-discrimination is good for Texans and good for Texas businesses.
Housing Non-Discrimination
HB 2860 – Bernal
SB 856 – Rodriguez
Under current law it is illegal to discriminate in housing in Texas based on a person’s race, color, religion, sex, familial status, or national origin. It remains legal to discriminate based on a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity or expression. All Texans should have the right to a safe place to live without fear of losing their homes. Landlords and real estate agents need a single, statewide standard of housing non-discrimination that includes sexual orientation and gender identity and expression.
Insurance Non-Discrimination
HB 304 – Thompson, S
HB 453 – Alonzo
SB 76 – Ellis
Currently, insurers cannot discriminate based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, marital status, geographic location, disability or partial disability. Equality Texas supports expanding the prohibition of discrimination to include sexual orientation and gender identity/expression. Discrimination includes refusing to insure, charging a different rate, or limiting coverage in amount, extent or kind because of bias or prejudice.
Contractor Non-Discrimination
HB 582 – Turner
SB 856 – Rodriguez
Under current law it is illegal to discriminate in employment in Texas based on a person’s race, religion, gender, national origin, age, or disability. Additionally, most public employees, including state employees are protected against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender expression by federal law. However, it remains legal for businesses hired to do state business to discriminate based on a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity or expression. All Texans should have the right to provide for themselves and their families. The State of Texas should set a good example by requiring all state contractors to adopt an inclusive non-discrimination policy.
Public Accommodations Non-Discrimination
HB 1522 – Farrar
SB 856 – Rodriguez
Public accommodations, businesses and services open to the general public, should be available to the whole public without discrimination. Texas currently has no statewide law prohibiting discrimination against the protected classes of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity/ expression, age, or physical handicap. Since the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the federal government has recognized the unconstitutionality of discrimination in restaurants, bars, hotels, and businesses; it is time for Texas to follow suit and eliminate discriminatory practices in public places.